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sâmbătă, 12 martie 2011

Nokia lays out serious risks in Microsoft deal

In a government filing, Nokia describes the many threats it faces as part of its agreement to use Windows Phone

In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday, Nokia laid out the threats it faces as part of its planned deal with Microsoft.
There are many, according to Nokia. Some have already been identified by critics of the agreement, under which Nokia will phase out use of its Symbian operating system in favor of Microsoft's Windows Phone software. Publicly held companies routinely disclose all the possible risks of their businesses to shareholders.

marți, 1 martie 2011

Making Steve Jobs Immortal

Last week, I tried to come up with some epic things I would like to think I'd do were I given six weeks to live -- a rumor that's been floating around about Steve Jobs -- and was as insanely wealthy as he is. The purpose was to focus on something other than the end we will all eventually share.
One of the folks commenting on the piece thought I should have instead focused on things Jobs could do that would be more meaningful, and the comment hit a chord. So I'll continue this topic but now suggest some things Steve Jobs could do that would help make him virtually immortal.
I'll close with my product of the week: a laptop that likely is the closest to an Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) product sold into business by a company that isn't Apple -- the new ThinkPad T420, akey part of Lenovo's new business line.